Base Camp at House Creek Ranch
About the Course
Let us help you close the deal.
Our aim at the Mountain Marksmanship School is to give you the tools necessary to make those once in a lifetime shots virtually automatic.
The Mountain Marksmanship School is for novice to advanced shooters looking to build their skills through field tested training activities designed for the mountain hunter by mountain hunters. This game changing course will be challenging and fun for everyone.
The Mountain Marksmanship School breaks from the traditional format of bench and prone shooting instruction to teaching dynamic real world shooting techniques from natural terrain features found in the mountains and plains of North America.
The Mountain Marksmanship School is an all-inclusive training experience featuring world class instruction from lead instructors Brian Neace and Seth Howard. Brian and Seth are hunters and have extensive backgrounds in the world of competitive precision rifle shooting, having many national match championships between them.
As part of this all-inclusive experience your lodging will include 3 nights at the historic House Creek Ranch in the rugged mountains of SW Idaho. This Working Cattle Ranch provides the perfect setting for a training experience like no other. The Cowboys will be working cattle while you learn the finer skills of Mountain Marksmanship.
Instruction will include shooter-spotter communication, ballistic validation, fundamentals of marksmanship, understanding wind, Internal external and terminal ballistics and positional shooting. On the last day, we will put what you have learned to the test. This just for fun match will put you out on our steel hunting course to test your skill. The simulated steel hunting course with life size game animal reactive steel targets, is set in the steep canyons and mountains just south of the ranch. You'll be tasked with finding your target, ranging it, and engaging it - just as you would in a hunting scenario.
The included lodging and meals at the ranch are western hospitality at its finest.
Students will be provided with a state of the art, fully dialed shooting systems and ammunition from Soldier Mountain Arms.
Students are welcome to bring along their personal rifle and ammunition to practice on the range (5-6PM) after classes have concluded for the day. Note: All live fire range activity will be supervised by a SMA Range Officer at all times.
Classes will be limited to 10 participants, students will be paired and a personal coach will be assigned to each team during live fire range time.
Duration: 3 Days
Location: House Creek Ranch in rugged Southwest Idaho
Instructors: Lead Instructors Brain Neace and Seth Howard
Assistant Instructors: Matt Hamilton, Logan Stephens, Jeff Schulz
Gear: Rental SMA shooting systems and ammunition will be provided to each student as part of the registration fee.
Accommodations: First class lodging and meals will be provided as part of the registration fee.
Getting There: The Ranch is located 50 miles SW of Twin Falls, Idaho. The Twin Falls regional airport offers daily flights from Salt Lake City, Utah and available rental cars.
Boise and Hailey Idaho airports offer more flight options and are just 2.5hrs from the Ranch.
Cost $3500.00 per person. Discounted group rates are available.
*Note: Class schedule and curriculum may change based on student skills and experience level.
Students will arrive one day prior to the event. There will be a meet and greet at 6pm followed by dinner at 7pm
Day 1
7am- Breakfast
8am- Class Room
8am-10am- Intro and details of the SMA shooting system. Fundamentals of marksmanship.
10am- 15 minute break
10:15am-12 pm- Shooter spotter communication. Positional shooting fundamentals.
12pm Lunch
1pm- Shooting range.
1pm-3pm- Range Safety brief, Shooting system demo, shooting system assignment to students, zeroing and bench rest shooting techniques, building a ballistic profile
3pm 15 minute break
3:15-5pm- Ballistic app truing and validation out to 1000 yards
5-6pm- Range open for student use with personal rifles and ammunition
6pm- Debrief and socialize
7pm- Dinner
Day 2
8am- Breakfast
9am-12am classroom
9am- Applied Ballistics discussion- Internal, external and terminal ballistics
10:30- Break
10:45- 12:30pm- WIND- Discuss techniques used to estimate wind velocity at distance. Kestrel demonstration.
12:30pm-1:30pm lunch
1:30pm-5pm Range
Safety brief 5min
1:35-3:30pm- Positional shooting demo, students- positional shooting dry fire practice followed by live fire practice.
3:30pm- 15 minute break
3:45-5pm- Prone shooting demo (dry fire), students- prone shooting dry fire and live fire exercise.
5-6pm- Range open for student use with personal rifles and ammunition
6pm- debrief and social
7pm- Dinner
Day 3 The Steel Hunter
7am Breakfast
8am Students meet at shuttle with gear to head out to steel hunting course
8:30am-9am Instructor demo of steel hunting stage (dry fire), Students practice on demo stage (dry fire)
9am-1pm- Steel Hunter Team Match (5 stages)
Student teams will engage steel targets on a course utilizing the unique terrain of the ranch to closely mimic true hunting scenarios. Each stage will be designed as a blind stage with only minimal information provided. Student teams will be required to find, range, dial and engage each steel target. Teams will be given 6 minutes to engage the targets. The scoring system will be 2 points for a first round impact and 1 point for a second round impact. If a shooter misses both shots they will move on to the next target. Target ranges will be between 75-1000 yards
1pm- Lunch, debrief and prizes
2pm- dismiss
Soldier Mountain Arms Mountain Marksman System (Rental included with registration)
Rifle: SMA LRH 6.5 Creedmoor
Action: Lone Peak Arms Alpine Fuzion
Barrel: Proof Research Carbon Fiber
Stock: Manners Carbon Fiber Stocks LRH
Trigger: TriggerTech
Hardware: Hawkins Precision Lightweight Hunter
Optic / Mount
Scope: Leupold Mark 5HD 3.6x18x44 FFP PR-1 Mil
Rings: Hawkins Precision Lightweight Tactical
Rangefinder / Weather Station
Rangefinder: Sig Sauer Kilo 5K
Weather Meter: Kestrel Ballistics 5700 Elite with Applied Ballistics
Ammunition (200 rounds included with registration)
Hornady Match Ammunition 6.5 Creedmoor 140 ELD Match
Please call 208-733-1045 or 208-539-7269 for more information and scheduling
Your Instructors
Brian Neace and Seth Howard

Nationally ranked precision rifle competitors, Tactical team instructors and lifetime hunters